Recital Scheme

Support the Recital Scheme

Ways you can help continue the good work

Have you enjoyed a performance by one of our outstanding Recital Scheme artists? Would you like to help ensure that we can go on funding similar concerts? Please consider making a donation to the Trust:

1. By Personal cheque made payable to “The Countess of Munster Musical Trust” and send to:

The Countess of Munster Musical Trust,
Somerset House, West Wing

2. By BACS transfer to the Trust’s bank account at

CAF Bank
The Countess of Munster Musical Trust
Sort code: 40-52-40
Account No: 00006259

3. If you would like to make a gift to the Trust in your will, please go to Support the Trust

If you are a UK tax payer, please consider completing a Gift Aid declaration to enable the Trust to reclaim tax on your donation.
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